My Ready Family

“Top tier plan! High value doc.”  Mr. J.P., Ready Husband

“Thank you so much for providing affordable solutions!” — Mrs. M.F., Ready Wife

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  1. Get FRN fiat paper cash (what some people call “US dollars” or “money”). Most people only have a few bucks on hand.  The banks could shut down, and credit/ATM cards and Apple Pay might quit working!
  2. REAL money, gold and silver in your possession–not in your IRA, not in a safety deposit box.
  3. Water jugs and individual water filters, at least one week supply with 1 gallon per day per person. 
  4. Food–backpacker meals are an easy first step, then start stockpiling bulk food.
  5. Shelter Plan–primary location, family rendezvous location and “get home” plan.
  6. Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)–carry on belt, in car, etc.; one for each family member.
  7. Battery packs for mobile devices, for short-term power.
  8. Hand-held radios, for short-range grid-down comms, one per family member plus at least one spare.
  9. Self-Defense–Pistol, holster, belt, mags, ammo, locking case, training.
  10. GO BAG, one per family member, with essential items. Consider:   LifeStraw filter, gold/silver, ID, pistol/ammo, headlamp/flashlight, multi-tool, can opener, rain coat, gloves, hat, fire starter, eye protection, food bars, maps, electrolytes, water bottle or hydration bladder, battery pack, charger cords, radio, IFAK, N95 mask, small BOOST oxygen bottle, Book of John.


You have a God-given responsibility to lead, protect, and provide for your family.   Act now, because the World threatens our families more and more each day:

  • MORE

Are you uncertain about HOW to start preparing? You don’t need to be, because our FAMILY PREP PLAN gives you a step-by-step guide to accelerate your family’s preparedness for any crisis. Instead of becoming victims, your family will survive and thrive!

That’s less than the cost of an average lunch, under Bidenomics!  A payment window will open, just input your credit card and email address. An email will arrive in minutes with the password for the FAMILY PREP PLAN.

Or read on to learn more about how MY READY FAMILY can accelerate your family’s preparedness…

Today, the World aggressively targets us all for failure and submission, with a satanic ferocity unmatched in history, exchanging evil for good, and good for evil (Isaiah 5:20).    Christ called Satan the “ruler of this world” and the “father of lies” (John 12:31John 8:44), and that perfectly explains what we see in the World’s institutions today:

    • Reckless printing of US dollars by the trillions + uncontrolled spending + more Government debt than can ever be repaid + rising interest rates + inflation 
    • Academic system devoted to ideology not learning
  • LEGAL MURDER (60 million since 1973)
    • For-profit abortion that is funded by federal and state Governments, justified as “rights” and “healthcare” 
  • LIES
    • Mass corporate media and Big Tech doing the will of the father of lies, while truth is aggressively canceled
    • Unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates, giving up liberty “for your safety,” plus a Federal bureaucracy weaponized at every level and controlling public discourse (e.g., FBI collusion with Twitter)
    • Calls to “Defund the Police” + normalization of riots (Minneapolis, Kenosha, Seattle, Portland)  + overt persecution of conservatives + politicians above the law + Epstein didn’t hang himself

The World’s assault on our ability to lead, protect, and provide for our families is increasing, daily.  Unfortunately, many of us have been sedated by the American Satanic Lullaby:  always-rising stocks, booming real estate, endless digital entertainment, mockingbird media, and Roman Coliseums everywhere with bread/circuses for all ages.  Most American adults are “useful idiots” being led like lambs to the slaughter by the World’s institutions.   

“The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.”   Proverbs 22:3

Don’t be a useful idiot.   Be the husband, wife, mom, or dad that the LORD has called you to be, and act now to prepare your family for when the “Schumer Hits The Fan.”   We face many threats:  

  • Dollar collapse (Purposefully inflicted by our rulers, to make us ready for federally controlled digital currency in which they’ll know EVERY transaction you make, and control your account)
  • Government tyranny (Consider history—governments only grow, gain power, and take liberty…until they collapse;   do you think it can’t happen in the US?  Were you here for the past three years?)
  • Food shortage (food production problems…see here)
  • Societal disruption (Summer of 2020 as a test?)
  • Plandemic-2+ (They began COVID-19 with a “simulation” called Event 201 in Fall 2019 (WEF link here); did you know they just ran another “simulation” called Catastrophic Contagion, that targets children?  Fool me once…)
  • Natural catastrophe (Hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, floods, blizzards, etc.)
  • UN/Globalist Great Reset (Have you researched the coordinated “One World Order” plans overtly posted by the WEF, UN, IMF, etc.?  Have you read the Book of Revelation?)
  • Nuclear detonation (Why are US/NATO/EU regimes suddenly and casually talking about using nukes, in the context of the Ukraine money-laundering operation?)

The accelerating insanity since 2020 has shocked me fully awake, and motivated me to diligently prepare my family.   I spent 28 years in the Marine Corps as an officer and F-18 pilot, including 17 years in the Reserves while starting several businesses.  Task prioritization, best value, simplicity, and frugality are all very important to me, and with this mindset I’ve invested hundreds of hours in preparing my family—pondering, researching, compiling, and experimenting.  Now I want you and your family to benefit from it.    

Even if you have been lulled into complacency by the American Satanic Lullaby, and have done nothing to prepare, it’s not too late.   US currency is still accepted, banks are still open, and Costco’s shelves are still mostly full.   But what if this changes?   Stores could be emptied in hours, and the food in the average American’s pantry won’t last more than a week or two.   

Join me and others around the globe, and diligently prepare your family for any contingency (our Mission), leveraging the efforts I’ve already invested plus also adding your own creativity and skills (our Strategy), so that we can live up to our God-given roles and prepare our families to survive and thrive (our Vision).

I’ve crafted an action plan with seven critical categories, that you can employ to accelerate your family’s preparedness.   Each category has prioritized actions, along with some thoughts to consider, plus links to info created by smarter folks (blogs, YouTube), and sample links for products/purchases (not from me).    


  1. Personal (heart, soul, mind, strength)
  2. Provision (real money, water, food)
  3. Shelter (primary location plus fallback positions)
  4. Physical (immune system, medical, nutrition, stamina/strength)
  5. Equipment (individual and team)
  6. Mobility (transportation) 
  7. Team (family, friends, neighbors)

I believe this information is of great value to you, and your family.   I also believe in the free market, and the virtue of voluntary transactions between two parties, for mutual benefit.   My best value for your best value.    First, I want to prove the value I am offering, so please use the LOOK AT FREE SNAPSHOT FIRST button below to review the entire 7-part outline, minus some details and links.   If you see value for your family, you use the black PREPARE YOUR FAMILY buttons to get a password for the FAMILY PREP PLAN page, in minutes.

Preparing your family for an unthinkable event may seem confusing or impossible…but it’s your undeniable and unassignable responsibility.   This resource is step-by-step and “caveman simple,” so that anyone with a computer and a credit card can expeditiously and confidently tackle this noble project—which might end up being the most crucial task of your life.   Perhaps most importantly, hard times ahead will provide tremendous opportunity for us to witness to others.  Above all else is Christ, and his unstoppable Gospel.   Christ is our Blessed Hope—not your Wall Street portfolio, not the trampled-upon Constitution, not your AR, not Trump!    We may see one of the greatest times in history to live out Matthew 28:19-20.

Be ready,



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